Thursday, August 8, 2019

What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of being a youth Essay

What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of being a youth mentor in a formal setting Evaluate with reference to two examples - Essay Example A mentor concentrates on creating a positive relationship with the youths under mentorship, as well as following the goals identified for the mentoring program towards the success of the mentee. The creation of a quality program for youth mentoring is majorly based on effective practice elements. According to the findings by Young and Wright (2001) on the positive effects of youth mentorship, quality practice standards are instrumental in fostering the desired outcomes for the participating youths. In essence, the formal youth mentoring practice is important in enhancing the emotional well-being and social skills of the youths. The youths also benefit from the improved cognitive skills through listening and dialogue, as well as serving as advocates and role models (Whitmore, 2002). The increased number of the mentoring programs has equally compromised the quality of the programs over the long time. According to Trzesniewski (2008), not all mentoring programs and relationships are beneficial to the mentees. In these findings, the mentoring programs that have stronger infrastructure can potentially produce greater positive impacts, since the infrastructure directly relates to the impact of the mentor on the mentees. The solidity of the relationship between the mentor and the mentee is essential towards the improvement of the attitudes of the mentees, together with their performances and behaviors (Tsangaridou, 2008). The formal mentorship programs, for instance, are important in providing the settings for maintaining and developing a solid relationship between mentees and the mentors. Literature highlights particular elements that are considered critical for the effectiveness of a mentorship program. Among the important elements exhibited in the formal mentorship program is the screening process, which facilitates the identification of the most effective personnel to act in the

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