Thursday, August 8, 2019

Care study for operating department practitoner(odp) Essay

Care study for operating department practitoner(odp) - Essay Example Silvestre, to theatre for a minor operation under local and is being checked into the department, she remained restless throughout the entire period of admission process. My mentor, Dr. Hughes, supervised me as I took Mary and Mrs. Silvestre through the theater admission procedures. After sometime, Mrs. Hughes decides to quickly nip to the toilet during the process in order to get back ready to transfer the patient into theatre. He leaves me behind to complete the remaining procedures and prepare the patient for admission. It is during this time that I observed that the consent form has been signed by Mary and a comment added to the notes that Mary thinks she may be pregnant. I proceed to confirm this comment setting Mary free for theater admission after completing all required procedures. After transferring Mary into theatre my mentor attempted to insert a cannula into the dorsum of Mary’s hand. To my utter amazement, Mary is startled by the sharp pain inflicted upon her by the inserted cannula. She immediately withdraws her hand resulting in the cannula becoming dislodged with some blood spillage. I privately ask Dr. Hughes, my mentor, why such a unique occurrence is taking place and she quickly confesses that she has not really attempted a cannulation procedure unsupervised before. I concluded that she must have forgotten to follow certain necessary procedures resulting into the pain experienced by the patient and consequently, the blood spillage upon withdrawal. Despite all these, however, Dr. Hughes decided to have another go on the patient in order to save time. Nursing practitioners have a huge role to play in seeing forth the liberation of patients from the anguish of various diseases. The situations to which nursing practitioners are often exposed as health care professionals are sometimes so complex and demanding including serious issues of health and well being of various patients. It is for this reason that nursing practitioners have to be well

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